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Formula Vee NSW is affilitated to and recognised by MotorSport Australia. If you are looking to get started in Formula Vee Racing or if you wish to support the category you will need to become a member of the Formula Vee Association in your state.

Black and White Star in Circle


Associate/Social Member

Associate membership is perfect for those wanting to support the category but do not compete such as pit crew, family, friends and supporters of Formula Vee. Associate membership is designed for those interested in promoting the aims of the Formula Vee association and enjoying an involvement in the association.

Associate membership does not include voting rights or the ability to score competition points.


Associate/Social membership of the FVA NSW

Notification of all association run events

Formula Vee NSW bumper sticker

Black and White Star in Circle


Full Member

being a member of the NSW Formula Vee Association

satisfies your requirement to be a member of a Motorsport Australia affiliated club and

also allows you to be awarded competition points in NSW Formula Vee Association events

including the Mortorsport Australia NSW Formula Vee State Championship.


Full membership of the FVA NSW

Full association voting rights

Ability to be awarded competition points

Notification of all association run events

Formula Vee NSW bumper sticker

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